Installing Solar Panels? 5 Tips For Tree And Shade Management

Do you want to add solar panels to your property or house? Whether you're interested in saving money or helping the environment, this can be a great choice for many homeowners. However, the trees around your property can get in the way of your solar panel plans. Do you need to remove or trim trees? Should you? And what plan of attack can you take with specific tree challenges? Here are a few key tips for any property owner. 

1. Trim Trees First

Don't jump straight to tree removal before you explore tree trimming instead. Not only is this more cost-effective, but it's less shocking to your overall landscape. Most homeowners find that strategic pruning by a professional achieves the desired sunlight balance. 

2. Remember Trees' Contribution

Some homeowners would rather just cut down a tree to reduce their maintenance and lower expenses. However, don't overlook the value of your trees in meeting the same goals as your solar panels. Trees shade your home, reducing energy use. They provide landscape shade, clean the air around your house, and provide homes for helpful wildlife. 

3. Remove Problem Trees

This is an excellent time to weed out problematic trees from your property. Have all your trees professionally inspected for damage, broken limbs, signs of disease, infestation, and falling hazards. By removing specific trees that are a danger, you may create the openings needed for solar panels without threatening healthy ones. 

4. Talk With Your Neighbors

What if it's not your own trees that will block the solar panels? In certain parts of the property or in urban settings, your neighbors' trees may be the problem. Many neighbors work out cost-sharing agreements to prune or remove trees on the border of their shared property. Footing the entire bill for your neighbor's tree pruning session might still be cost-effective if it lowers your energy bills. 

5. Keep Growing Trees Trimmed

Budget for regular tree pruning services once the solar panels have been installed. Trees grow at different rates, so you may need an aggressive or less aggressive schedule. Some trees, for instance, can grow several feet per year, but others may only grow a few inches. Understanding your tree's growth means you stay ahead of encroachment on the solar panels. 

Where to Start

Whether you've already installed solar panels or you're just thinking about it, start by determining what effects your existing trees may have on them. Meet with a tree trimming service to learn more about your options.

About Me

Choosing Great Landscaping Plants

When we started focusing more seriously on getting our home ready to sell, our realtor told us that we really needed to focus on cleaning up our yard. In addition to having a lot of loose weeds around the yard, we were also dealing with a real lack of direction as far as landscaping was concerned, which is why we started shopping for better plants. We looked high and low for the right plants to put in the space, and it was really amazing to see how much of a difference it would make. This blog is all about choosing great landscaping plants and making your yard gorgeous.



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