3 Lawn-Damaging Mistakes To Avoid When Mowing Your Lawn

Regularly mowing your lawn boosts turf health and increases its resistance to disease. A well-mowed lawn also maintains an appropriate length, and this can significantly improve the appearance of your outdoor space. However, poor mowing techniques can do more harm than good to your grass. Therefore, before you reach out for the mower in your shed or garage, beware of these three mistakes that can cause damage to the lawn.

Mowing at the Wrong Time of the Day

Some times of the day are better for lawn mowing than others. For example, mornings and evenings are not the best times for this task. In the morning, there's a lot of dew on the grass, and it can cause the grass to tear. Torn grass is not only unsightly, but it is also vulnerable to pests and diseases. Similarly, in the evening, dew settles on the grass, and it can lead to poor cuts.

Mowing at midday when the sun is high up in the sky is not good either. It can expose the grass to burns, especially if you have to go over it several times. The best times to mow are mid-morning and in the afternoon. At this time, there is no dew or excess solar radiation to affect the cutting process. As a result, you will end up with a smooth and evenly cut lawn.

Cutting Too Much

Mowing a lawn isn't as simple as it sounds. Cutting the grass too short can affect the roots and stunt growth. Similarly, cutting too little of the turf will leave you with an unhealthy lawn. However, most people make the mistake of cutting too much of the leaf surface. To maintain a healthy lawn, cut it to the recommended height. Different turf varieties have varying height recommendations.

For example, Buffalo grass should maintain a maximum height of around two inches. Thus, you should mow the lawn when it's about three inches tall. Similarly, varieties like Ryegrass, Red fescue, and Centipede should maintain a height of around 2.5 inches after mowing. Consult your landscaping contractor if you're unsure of the best height for your grass variety.

Using Dull Mower Blades

Blunt mowing blades bruise leaves and leave them looking rough and unsightly. Bruised grass is susceptible to disease and fungi. Additionally, dull blades force you to go over the same spot numerous times to achieve a decent finish. This not only hurts the lawn, but it can increase the energy consumption of the lawnmower. Sharpen your mower's blades to achieve a clean finish and an appealing lawn. Sharp blades also speed up the mowing process, save energy, and protect your turf from diseases. 

Lawn mowing may seem like an easy exercise, but doing it wrong can affect the health of your lawn. If you're unsure of your skills, contact a lawn mowing contractor for professional services.

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Choosing Great Landscaping Plants

When we started focusing more seriously on getting our home ready to sell, our realtor told us that we really needed to focus on cleaning up our yard. In addition to having a lot of loose weeds around the yard, we were also dealing with a real lack of direction as far as landscaping was concerned, which is why we started shopping for better plants. We looked high and low for the right plants to put in the space, and it was really amazing to see how much of a difference it would make. This blog is all about choosing great landscaping plants and making your yard gorgeous.



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